Photogrammetry for 3D printing

We recently worked on this Buddha statue project, creating a digital 3D model through the process of photogrammetry and then preparing it for 3D printing by the clients. Check out the different phases in this short video.

From the photographs taken, a point cloud is first created in Metashape, followed by the mesh building built, and finally the texture is added. Then we take a look at the model in a standard 3D printing software to see how it will do in the printing process.

Landscape photogrammetry and AR

This reconstruction model of Skipsea Castle shows how we can combine drone photogrammetry and classic 3D modeling from research to get a more accurately placed model. We can then remove the landscape and use the model in an AR overlay which should then accurately appear on top of the existing Skipsea mound where the castle once stood. The AR here was tested at York Minster as we've not yet made it out to the mound to test it out.

Featured in Council for British Archaeology video

I was excited to be asked to participate in the Council for British Archaeology’s video discussing different pathways in archaeology. It’s a message I am passionate about because I, myself, knew so little about the diversity of opportunities within archaeology when I was first starting out.

Check out the video here:

Meet the director of Experience Heritage, Bethany Watrous

Meet the director of Experience Heritage, Bethany Watrous

Director Bethany Watrous talks about her background in digital archaeology and heritage, and gives a behind-the-scenes insight into what the company does.